The Resourceful Leader Programme
Christine Miller MA FRSA
In a recent Gallup Poll, researchers were interested to discover that LOVE was one of the key words used by a range of just over 10,000 adult followers when they were asked what Leaders brought to their lives. Love was frequently mentioned, along with caring, compassion, friendship, and happiness. Other factors were Hope, Stability and Trust.
A leader with L.O.V.E. is:
An Organisation with L.O.V.E. comprises:
Vital Signs
Strong, caring, courageous, trusted. Loved and Loving.
Visionary, engaged, enlightened, compassionate.
The world we live in has shifted rapidly over the past decade, with acceleration in connection and a greater need for transparency and awareness of the wider implications of decisions and actions. Globalisation, social media, lack of trust and failure of major institutions has brought leaders into the spotlight and under far greater scrutiny than ever before.
Modern leadership is moving rapidly into a different way of being, and demands much more of its leaders. The importance of engagement, stakeholder considerations and social and environmental impact are added to the ever-present economic and financial performance metrics. The modern leader is balancing much more than the balance sheet, and managing an unprecedented range of resources in often challenging circumstances.
Find out more about Leading with Love and the Power of Love in Organisations HERE